=== Bind experiment test: === Substitute variables in the template === Create a pre-defined experiment === Bind experiment: Updating deployment state... Successfully bound databricks_mlflow_experiment with an id '[NUMID]'. Run 'bundle deploy' to deploy changes to your workspace === Deploy bundle: Uploading bundle files to /Workspace/Users/[USERNAME]/.bundle/bind-ml-experiment-test-[UUID]/default/files... Deploying resources... Updating deployment state... Deployment complete! === Read the pre-defined experiment: { "name": "/Users/[USERNAME]/test-experiment[UUID]", "lifecycle_stage": "active" } === Unbind the experiment: Updating deployment state... === Destroy the bundle: All files and directories at the following location will be deleted: /Workspace/Users/[USERNAME]/.bundle/bind-ml-experiment-test-[UUID]/default Deleting files... Destroy complete! === Read the pre-defined experiment again (expecting it still exists and is not deleted): { "name": "/Users/[USERNAME]/test-experiment[UUID]", "lifecycle_stage": "active" } === Test cleanup: === Delete the pre-defined experiment: 0