# Scalars with special characters

# Commas and square brackets in strings should be enclosed in quotes
special_chars: "[This, string] has, special chars."

# Strings starting with reserved indicators must be quoted
reserved_string: "@not_a_directive"
colon_string: "this: looks like a mapping, but it's not"

# Explicit data type declaration
explicit_string: !!str 12345

# Sequences with nested mappings and lists

    name: Team A
      - Alice
      - Bob
      - task1:
          status: incomplete
          due_date: 2023-01-15
      - task2:
          status: complete

# Complex mapping keys
? |
  Multi-line key
  which is unusual but valid
: multi-line key's value

"complex key: with colon": complex key's value

# Set (a mapping with null values)
  item1: ~
  item2: ~

# Merge multiple mappings (with override)
base_colors: &colors
  red: "#FF0000"
  blue: "#0000FF"
  green: "#00FF00"

  <<: *colors
  blue: "#001122"  # Overriding the blue color from base_colors