// Code generated from OpenAPI specs by Databricks SDK Generator. DO NOT EDIT. package {{(.TrimPrefix "account").SnakeName}} import ( "github.com/databricks/cli/libs/cmdio" "github.com/databricks/cli/libs/flags" "github.com/databricks/cli/cmd/root" "github.com/databricks/databricks-sdk-go/service/{{.Package.Name}}" "github.com/spf13/cobra" ) {{- $excludes := list "command-execution" "statement-execution" "dbfs" "dbsql-permissions" -}} {{if not (in $excludes .KebabName) }} {{template "service" .}} {{else}} {{skipThisFile}} {{end}} {{define "service"}} var Cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "{{(.TrimPrefix "account").KebabName}}", {{- if .Description }} Short: `{{.Summary | without "`"}}`, Long: `{{.Comment " " 80 | without "`"}}`, {{- end }} Annotations: map[string]string{ "package": "{{ .Package.Name }}", }, {{- if .IsPrivatePreview }} // This service is being previewed; hide from help output. Hidden: true, {{- end }} } {{- $serviceName := .KebabName -}} {{range .Methods}} {{- $excludes := list "put-secret" -}} {{if in $excludes .KebabName }} {{continue}} {{end}} // start {{.KebabName}} command {{if .Request}}var {{.CamelName}}Req {{.Service.Package.Name}}.{{.Request.PascalName}} var {{.CamelName}}Json flags.JsonFlag {{- end}} {{if .Wait}}var {{.CamelName}}SkipWait bool var {{.CamelName}}Timeout time.Duration{{end}} func init() { Cmd.AddCommand({{.CamelName}}Cmd) {{if .Wait}} {{.CamelName}}Cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&{{.CamelName}}SkipWait, "no-wait", {{.CamelName}}SkipWait, `do not wait to reach {{range $i, $e := .Wait.Success}}{{if $i}} or {{end}}{{.Content}}{{end}} state`) {{.CamelName}}Cmd.Flags().DurationVar(&{{.CamelName}}Timeout, "timeout", {{.Wait.Timeout}}*time.Minute, `maximum amount of time to reach {{range $i, $e := .Wait.Success}}{{if $i}} or {{end}}{{.Content}}{{end}} state`) {{end -}} {{if .Request}}// TODO: short flags {{.CamelName}}Cmd.Flags().Var(&{{.CamelName}}Json, "json", `either inline JSON string or @path/to/file.json with request body`) {{$method := .}} {{ if not .JsonOnly }} {{range .Request.Fields -}} {{- if not .Required -}} {{if .Entity.IsObject }}// TODO: complex arg: {{.Name}} {{else if .Entity.IsAny }}// TODO: any: {{.Name}} {{else if .Entity.ArrayValue }}// TODO: array: {{.Name}} {{else if .Entity.MapValue }}// TODO: map via StringToStringVar: {{.Name}} {{else if .Entity.IsEmpty }}// TODO: output-only field {{else if .Entity.Enum }}{{$method.CamelName}}Cmd.Flags().Var(&{{$method.CamelName}}Req.{{.PascalName}}, "{{.KebabName}}", `{{.Summary | without "`"}}`) {{else}}{{$method.CamelName}}Cmd.Flags().{{template "arg-type" .Entity}}(&{{$method.CamelName}}Req.{{.PascalName}}, "{{.KebabName}}", {{$method.CamelName}}Req.{{.PascalName}}, `{{.Summary | without "`"}}`) {{end}} {{- end -}} {{- end}} {{- end}} {{end}} } {{- $excludeFromPrompts := list "workspace get-status" -}} {{- $fullCommandName := (print $serviceName " " .KebabName) -}} {{- $noPrompt := or .IsCrudCreate (in $excludeFromPrompts $fullCommandName) }} {{ $hasPosArgs := and .Request (or .Request.IsAllRequiredFieldsPrimitive (eq .PascalName "RunNow")) -}} {{- $hasSinglePosArg := and $hasPosArgs (eq 1 (len .Request.RequiredFields)) -}} {{- $serviceHasNamedIdMap := and (and .Service.List .Service.List.NamedIdMap) (not (eq .PascalName "List")) -}} {{- $hasIdPrompt := and (not $noPrompt) (and $hasSinglePosArg $serviceHasNamedIdMap) -}} {{- $wait := and .Wait (and (not .IsCrudRead) (not (eq .SnakeName "get_run"))) -}} {{- $hasRequiredArgs := and (not $hasIdPrompt) $hasPosArgs -}} var {{.CamelName}}Cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "{{.KebabName}}{{if $hasPosArgs}}{{range .Request.RequiredFields}} {{.ConstantName}}{{end}}{{end}}", {{- if .Description }} Short: `{{.Summary | without "`"}}`, Long: `{{.Comment " " 80 | without "`"}}`, {{- end }} {{- if .IsPrivatePreview }} // This command is being previewed; hide from help output. Hidden: true, {{- end }} Annotations: map[string]string{},{{if $hasRequiredArgs }} Args: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { check := cobra.ExactArgs({{len .Request.RequiredFields}}) if cmd.Flags().Changed("json") { check = cobra.ExactArgs(0) } return check(cmd, args) },{{end}} PreRunE: root.Must{{if .Service.IsAccounts}}Account{{else}}Workspace{{end}}Client, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) { ctx := cmd.Context() {{if .Service.IsAccounts}}a := root.AccountClient(ctx){{else}}w := root.WorkspaceClient(ctx){{end}} {{- if .Request }} if cmd.Flags().Changed("json") { err = {{.CamelName}}Json.Unmarshal(&{{.CamelName}}Req) if err != nil { return err } } else { {{- if $hasIdPrompt}} if len(args) == 0 { promptSpinner := cmdio.Spinner(ctx) promptSpinner <- "No{{range .Request.RequiredFields}} {{.ConstantName}}{{end}} argument specified. Loading names for {{.Service.TitleName}} drop-down." names, err := {{if .Service.IsAccounts}}a{{else}}w{{end}}.{{(.Service.TrimPrefix "account").PascalName}}.{{.Service.List.NamedIdMap.PascalName}}(ctx{{if .Service.List.Request}}, {{.Service.Package.Name}}.{{.Service.List.Request.PascalName}}{}{{end}}) close(promptSpinner) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to load names for {{.Service.TitleName}} drop-down. Please manually specify required arguments. Original error: %w", err) } id, err := cmdio.Select(ctx, names, "{{range .Request.RequiredFields}}{{.Summary | trimSuffix "."}}{{end}}") if err != nil { return err } args = append(args, id) } if len(args) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("expected to have {{range .Request.RequiredFields}}{{.Summary | trimSuffix "." | lower}}{{end}}") } {{- end -}} {{$method := .}} {{- if and .Request.IsAllRequiredFieldsPrimitive (not .JsonOnly) -}} {{- range $arg, $field := .Request.RequiredFields}} {{if not $field.Entity.IsString -}} _, err = fmt.Sscan(args[{{$arg}}], &{{$method.CamelName}}Req.{{$field.PascalName}}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid {{$field.ConstantName}}: %s", args[{{$arg}}]) }{{else -}} {{$method.CamelName}}Req.{{$field.PascalName}} = args[{{$arg}}] {{- end -}}{{end}} {{- else -}} return fmt.Errorf("please provide command input in JSON format by specifying the --json flag") {{- end -}} } {{end}} {{if $wait -}} wait, err := {{if .Service.IsAccounts}}a{{else}}w{{end}}.{{.Service.PascalName}}.{{.PascalName}}(ctx{{if .Request}}, {{.CamelName}}Req{{end}}) if err != nil { return err } if {{.CamelName}}SkipWait { {{if .Response -}} return cmdio.Render(ctx, wait.Response) {{- else -}} return nil {{- end}} } spinner := cmdio.Spinner(ctx) info, err := wait.OnProgress(func(i *{{.Service.Package.Name}}.{{.Wait.Poll.Response.PascalName}}) { {{if .Wait.MessagePath -}} {{if .Wait.ComplexMessagePath -}} if i.{{.Wait.MessagePathHead.PascalName}} == nil { return } status := i{{range .Wait.StatusPath}}.{{.PascalName}}{{end}} statusMessage := fmt.Sprintf("current status: %s", status) if i.{{.Wait.MessagePathHead.PascalName}} != nil { statusMessage = i{{range .Wait.MessagePath}}.{{.PascalName}}{{end}} } {{- else -}} statusMessage := i{{range .Wait.MessagePath}}.{{.PascalName}}{{end}} {{- end}} {{- else -}} status := i{{range .Wait.StatusPath}}.{{.PascalName}}{{end}} statusMessage := fmt.Sprintf("current status: %s", status) {{- end}} spinner <- statusMessage }).GetWithTimeout({{.CamelName}}Timeout) close(spinner) if err != nil { return err } return cmdio.Render(ctx, info) {{- else -}} {{template "method-call" .}} {{end -}} }, // Disable completions since they are not applicable. // Can be overridden by manual implementation in `override.go`. ValidArgsFunction: cobra.NoFileCompletions, } {{end}} // end service {{.Name}}{{end}} {{- define "method-call" -}} {{if .Response}}response, err :={{else}}err ={{end}} {{if .Service.IsAccounts}}a{{else}}w{{end}}.{{(.Service.TrimPrefix "account").PascalName}}.{{.PascalName}}{{if .Pagination}}All{{end}}(ctx{{if .Request}}, {{.CamelName}}Req{{end}}) if err != nil { return err } {{if .Response -}} return cmdio.Render(ctx, response) {{- else -}} return nil {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- define "arg-type" -}} {{- if .IsString}}StringVar {{- else if .IsBool}}BoolVar {{- else if .IsInt64}}Int64Var {{- else if .IsFloat64}}Float64Var {{- else if .IsInt}}IntVar {{- else if .Enum }}StringVar {{- else}}/* NOT PRIMITIVE */ {{- end -}} {{- end -}}