=== Capturing STDERR >>> python3 -c import sys; sys.stderr.write("STDERR\n") STDERR === Capturing STDOUT >>> python3 -c import sys; sys.stderr.write("STDOUT\n") STDOUT === Capturing exit code >>> errcode python3 -c raise SystemExit(5) Exit code: 5 === Capturing exit code (alt) >>> python3 -c raise SystemExit(7) Exit code: 7 === Capturing pwd >>> python3 -c import os; print(os.getcwd()) $TMPDIR === Capturing subdir >>> mkdir -p subdir/a/b/c >>> withdir subdir/a/b/c python3 -c import os; print(os.getcwd()) $TMPDIR/subdir/a/b/c === Custom output files - everything starting with out is captured and compared >>> echo HELLO