>>> $CLI bundle generate dashboard --help
Generate configuration for a dashboard

  databricks bundle generate dashboard [flags]

  -s, --dashboard-dir string   directory to write the dashboard representation to (default "src")
      --existing-id string     ID of the dashboard to generate configuration for
      --existing-path string   workspace path of the dashboard to generate configuration for
  -f, --force                  force overwrite existing files in the output directory
  -h, --help                   help for dashboard
      --resource string        resource key of dashboard to watch for changes
  -d, --resource-dir string    directory to write the configuration to (default "resources")
      --watch                  watch for changes to the dashboard and update the configuration

Global Flags:
      --debug             enable debug logging
      --key string        resource key to use for the generated configuration
  -o, --output type       output type: text or json (default text)
  -p, --profile string    ~/.databrickscfg profile
  -t, --target string     bundle target to use (if applicable)
      --var strings       set values for variables defined in bundle config. Example: --var="foo=bar"
      --var-file string   file path to a JSON file containing variables. Example: --var-file="/path/to/vars.json" (default ".databricks/bundle/<target>/vars.json")