{ "welcome_message": "\nCreating a new DLT project.", "properties": { "project_name": { "type": "string", "default": "my_dlt_project", "description": "\nPlease provide a unique name for this project\nproject_name", "order": 1, "pattern": "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$", "pattern_match_failure_message": "Name must consist of letters, numbers, and underscores." }, "default_catalog": { "type": "string", "default": "{{default_catalog}}", "pattern": "^\\w*$", "pattern_match_failure_message": "Invalid catalog name.", "description": "\nPlease provide a default catalog to use{{if eq (default_catalog) \"\"}} (leave blank when not using Unity Catalog){{end}}\ndefault_catalog", "order": 2 }, "default_schema": { "type": "string", "default": "", "pattern": "^\\w*$", "pattern_match_failure_message": "Invalid schema name.", "description": "\nPlease provide a default schema to use. Leave this blank to use the current username (recommended for collaboration).\ndefault_schema", "order": 3 } }, "success_message": "\n{{if (eq .default_schema \"\")}}Schema defaults to {{short_name}} for the current user.\n{{end}}\nWorkspace host defaults to {{workspace_host}} (edit in {{.project_name}}/databricks.yml).\n\n✨ Your new DLT project has been created in the '{{.project_name}}' directory!\n\nPlease refer to the README.md file for \"getting started\" instructions." }