title "Bind schema test: " title "Substitute variables in the template: " export BUNDLE_NAME_SUFFIX=$(uuid) export SCHEMA_NAME="test-schema-$(uuid)" if [ -z "$CLOUD_ENV" ]; then export SCHEMA_NAME="test-schema-6260d50f-e8ff-4905-8f28-812345678903" # use hard-coded uuid when running locally fi envsubst < databricks.yml > out.yml && mv out.yml databricks.yml title "Create a pre-defined schema: " CATALOG_NAME=main $CLI schemas create ${SCHEMA_NAME} ${CATALOG_NAME} | jq '{full_name, catalog_name}' cleanupRemoveSchema() { title "Test cleanup: " title "Delete the pre-defined schema ${SCHEMA_NAME}: " $CLI schemas delete ${CATALOG_NAME}.${SCHEMA_NAME} echo $? } trap cleanupRemoveSchema EXIT title "Bind schema: " $CLI bundle deployment bind schema1 ${CATALOG_NAME}.${SCHEMA_NAME} --auto-approve title "Deploy bundle: " $CLI bundle deploy --force-lock --auto-approve title "Read the pre-defined schema: " $CLI schemas get ${CATALOG_NAME}.${SCHEMA_NAME} | jq '{full_name, catalog_name, comment}' title "Unbind the schema: " $CLI bundle deployment unbind schema1 title "Destroy the bundle: " $CLI bundle destroy --auto-approve title "Read the pre-defined schema again (expecting it still exists): " $CLI schemas get ${CATALOG_NAME}.${SCHEMA_NAME} | jq '{full_name, catalog_name, comment}'