cluster_expr="[0]" # variable file trace $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/normal.json | jq $cluster_expr # variable flag trace $CLI bundle validate -o json --var="cluster_key=mlops_stacks-cluster" | jq $cluster_expr # both variable file and flag trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/normal.json --var="cluster_key=mlops_stacks-cluster" | jq $cluster_expr # file not found trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/not_found.json 2> >(sed 's/\(Error: failed to read variables file: open var_files\/not_found.json:\).*/\1/' >&2) | jq -b $cluster_expr # file cannot be parsed trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/invalid_json.json | jq $cluster_expr # file has wrong structure trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/wrong_file_structure.json | jq $cluster_expr # file has variable name that is not defined trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/undeclared.json | jq $cluster_expr # file has variable name that is complex but default is string trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/complex_to_string.json | jq $cluster_expr # file has variable name that is string but default is complex trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --var-file=var_files/string_to_complex.json | jq $cluster_expr # variable is required but it's not provided in the file trace errcode $CLI bundle validate -o json --target without-defaults --var-file=var_files/without_required.json | jq $cluster_expr