package mutator

import (


type processRootIncludes struct{}

// ProcessRootIncludes expands the patterns in the configuration's include list
// into a list of mutators for each matching file.
func ProcessRootIncludes() bundle.Mutator {
	return &processRootIncludes{}

func (m *processRootIncludes) Name() string {
	return "ProcessRootIncludes"

func (m *processRootIncludes) Apply(ctx context.Context, b *bundle.Bundle) error {
	var out []bundle.Mutator

	// Map with files we've already seen to avoid loading them twice.
	var seen = map[string]bool{
		config.FileName: true,

	// Maintain list of files in order of files being loaded.
	// This is stored in the bundle configuration for observability.
	var files []string

	// For each glob, find all files to load.
	// Ordering of the list of globs is maintained in the output.
	// For matches that appear in multiple globs, only the first is kept.
	for _, entry := range b.Config.Include {
		// Include paths must be relative.
		if filepath.IsAbs(entry) {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s: includes must be relative paths", entry)

		// Anchor includes to the bundle root path.
		matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(b.Config.Path, entry))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Filter matches to ones we haven't seen yet.
		var includes []string
		for _, match := range matches {
			rel, err := filepath.Rel(b.Config.Path, match)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if _, ok := seen[rel]; ok {
			seen[rel] = true
			includes = append(includes, rel)

		// Add matches to list of mutators to return.
		files = append(files, includes...)
		for _, include := range includes {
			out = append(out, ProcessInclude(filepath.Join(b.Config.Path, include), include))

	// Swap out the original includes list with the expanded globs.
	b.Config.Include = files

	return bundle.Apply(ctx, b, bundle.Seq(out...))