default: vendor fmt lint tidy PACKAGES=./acceptance/... ./libs/... ./internal/... ./cmd/... ./bundle/... . GOTESTSUM_FORMAT ?= pkgname-and-test-fails GOTESTSUM_CMD ?= gotestsum --format ${GOTESTSUM_FORMAT} --no-summary=skipped lint: golangci-lint run --fix tidy: @# not part of golangci-lint, apparently go mod tidy lintcheck: golangci-lint run ./... # Note 'make lint' will do formatting as well. However, if there are compilation errors, # formatting/goimports will not be applied by 'make lint'. However, it will be applied by 'make fmt'. # If you need to ensure that formatting & imports are always fixed, do "make fmt lint" fmt: ruff format -qn golangci-lint run --enable-only="gofmt,gofumpt,goimports" --fix ./... test: ${GOTESTSUM_CMD} -- ${PACKAGES} cover: rm -fr ./acceptance/build/cover/ VERBOSE_TEST=1 CLI_GOCOVERDIR=build/cover ${GOTESTSUM_CMD} -- -coverprofile=coverage.txt ${PACKAGES} rm -fr ./acceptance/build/cover-merged/ mkdir -p acceptance/build/cover-merged/ go tool covdata merge -i $$(printf '%s,' acceptance/build/cover/* | sed 's/,$$//') -o acceptance/build/cover-merged/ go tool covdata textfmt -i acceptance/build/cover-merged -o coverage-acceptance.txt showcover: go tool cover -html=coverage.txt acc-showcover: go tool cover -html=coverage-acceptance.txt build: vendor go build -mod vendor snapshot: go build -o .databricks/databricks vendor: go mod vendor schema: go run ./bundle/internal/schema ./bundle/internal/schema ./bundle/schema/jsonschema.json docs: go run ./bundle/docsgen ./bundle/internal/schema ./bundle/docsgen INTEGRATION = gotestsum --format github-actions --rerun-fails --jsonfile output.json --packages "./acceptance ./integration/..." -- -parallel 4 -timeout=2h integration: vendor $(INTEGRATION) integration-short: vendor VERBOSE_TEST=1 $(INTEGRATION) -short generate: genkit update-sdk [ ! -f ] || mv internal/genkit/ [ ! -f .github/workflows/next-changelog.yml ] || rm .github/workflows/next-changelog.yml .PHONY: lint tidy lintcheck fmt test cover showcover build snapshot vendor schema integration integration-short acc-cover acc-showcover docs