>>> $CLI bundle validate -t env-with-single-variable-override -o json
"default-a dev-b"

>>> $CLI bundle validate -t env-with-two-variable-overrides -o json
"prod-a prod-b"

>>> BUNDLE_VAR_b=env-var-b $CLI bundle validate -t env-with-two-variable-overrides -o json
"prod-a env-var-b"

>>> errcode $CLI bundle validate -t env-missing-a-required-variable-assignment
Error: no value assigned to required variable b. Assignment can be done through the "--var" flag or by setting the BUNDLE_VAR_b environment variable

Name: test bundle
Target: env-missing-a-required-variable-assignment
  Path: /Workspace/Users/$USERNAME/.bundle/test bundle/env-missing-a-required-variable-assignment

Found 1 error

Exit code: 1

>>> errcode $CLI bundle validate -t env-using-an-undefined-variable
Error: variable c is not defined but is assigned a value

Name: test bundle

Found 1 error

Exit code: 1

>>> $CLI bundle validate -t env-overrides-lookup -o json
  "a": "default-a",
  "b": "prod-b",
  "d": "4321",
  "e": "1234",
  "f": "9876"