>>> [CLI] bundle init experimental-jobs-as-code --config-file ./input.json --output-dir output Welcome to (EXPERIMENTAL) "Jobs as code" template for Databricks Asset Bundles! Workspace to use (auto-detected, edit in 'my_jobs_as_code/databricks.yml'): [DATABRICKS_URL] ✨ Your new project has been created in the 'my_jobs_as_code' directory! Please refer to the README.md file for "getting started" instructions. See also the documentation at https://docs.databricks.com/dev-tools/bundles/index.html. >>> [CLI] bundle validate -t dev --output json Warning: Ignoring Databricks CLI version constraint for development build. Required: >= 0.238.0, current: [DEV_VERSION] { "jobs": { "my_jobs_as_code_job": { "deployment": { "kind": "BUNDLE", "metadata_file_path": "/Workspace/Users/[USERNAME]/.bundle/my_jobs_as_code/dev/state/metadata.json" }, "edit_mode": "UI_LOCKED", "email_notifications": { "on_failure": [ "[USERNAME]" ] }, "format": "MULTI_TASK", "job_clusters": [ { "job_cluster_key": "job_cluster", "new_cluster": { "autoscale": { "max_workers": 4, "min_workers": 1 }, "data_security_mode": "SINGLE_USER", "node_type_id": "i3.xlarge", "spark_version": "15.4.x-scala2.12" } } ], "max_concurrent_runs": 4, "name": "[dev [USERNAME]] my_jobs_as_code_job", "permissions": [], "queue": { "enabled": true }, "tags": { "dev": "[USERNAME]" }, "tasks": [ { "job_cluster_key": "job_cluster", "notebook_task": { "notebook_path": "/Workspace/Users/[USERNAME]/.bundle/my_jobs_as_code/dev/files/src/notebook" }, "task_key": "notebook_task" }, { "depends_on": [ { "task_key": "notebook_task" } ], "job_cluster_key": "job_cluster", "libraries": [ { "whl": "dist/*.whl" } ], "python_wheel_task": { "entry_point": "main", "package_name": "my_jobs_as_code" }, "task_key": "main_task" } ], "trigger": { "pause_status": "PAUSED", "periodic": { "interval": 1, "unit": "DAYS" } } } } } >>> unzip -Z1 dist/my_jobs_as_code-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl my_jobs_as_code/__init__.py my_jobs_as_code/main.py my_jobs_as_code-0.0.1.dist-info/METADATA my_jobs_as_code-0.0.1.dist-info/WHEEL my_jobs_as_code-0.0.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt my_jobs_as_code-0.0.1.dist-info/top_level.txt my_jobs_as_code-0.0.1.dist-info/RECORD