package sync

import (


// Maximum number of concurrent requests during sync.
const MaxRequestsInFlight = 20

// Delete the specified path.
func (s *Sync) applyDelete(ctx context.Context, remoteName string) error {
	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionDelete, remoteName, 0.0)

	err := s.filer.Delete(ctx, remoteName)
	if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
		return err

	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionDelete, remoteName, 1.0)
	return nil

// Remove the directory at the specified path.
func (s *Sync) applyRmdir(ctx context.Context, remoteName string) error {
	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionDelete, remoteName, 0.0)

	err := s.filer.Delete(ctx, remoteName)
	if err != nil {
		// Directory deletion is opportunistic, so we ignore errors.
		log.Debugf(ctx, "error removing directory %s: %s", remoteName, err)

	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionDelete, remoteName, 1.0)
	return nil

// Create a directory at the specified path.
func (s *Sync) applyMkdir(ctx context.Context, localName string) error {
	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionPut, localName, 0.0)

	err := s.filer.Mkdir(ctx, localName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionPut, localName, 1.0)
	return nil

// Perform a PUT of the specified local path.
func (s *Sync) applyPut(ctx context.Context, localName string) error {
	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionPut, localName, 0.0)

	localFile, err := s.LocalRoot.Open(localName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer localFile.Close()

	opts := []filer.WriteMode{filer.CreateParentDirectories, filer.OverwriteIfExists}
	err = s.filer.Write(ctx, localName, localFile, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.notifyProgress(ctx, EventActionPut, localName, 1.0)
	return nil

func groupRunSingle(ctx context.Context, group *errgroup.Group, fn func(context.Context, string) error, path string) {
	// Return early if the context has already been cancelled.
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		// Proceed.

	group.Go(func() error {
		return fn(ctx, path)

func groupRunParallel(ctx context.Context, paths []string, fn func(context.Context, string) error) error {
	group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)

	for _, path := range paths {
		groupRunSingle(ctx, group, fn, path)

	// Wait for goroutines to finish and return first non-nil error return if any.
	return group.Wait()

func (s *Sync) applyDiff(ctx context.Context, d diff) error {
	var err error

	// Delete files in parallel.
	err = groupRunParallel(ctx, d.delete, s.applyDelete)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Delete directories ordered by depth from leaf to root.
	for _, group := range d.groupedRmdir() {
		err = groupRunParallel(ctx, group, s.applyRmdir)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Create directories (leafs only because intermediates are created automatically).
	for _, group := range d.groupedMkdir() {
		err = groupRunParallel(ctx, group, s.applyMkdir)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Put files in parallel.
	err = groupRunParallel(ctx, d.put, s.applyPut)

	return err