package python

import (


	assert ""

func TestMergeLocations(t *testing.T) {
	pythonLocation := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 1, Column: 1}
	generatedLocation := dyn.Location{File: generatedFileName, Line: 1, Column: 1}
	yamlLocation := dyn.Location{File: "foo.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}

	locations := newPythonLocations()
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("foo"), pythonLocation)

	input := dyn.NewValue(
			"foo": dyn.NewValue(
					"baz": dyn.NewValue("baz", []dyn.Location{yamlLocation}),
					"qux": dyn.NewValue("baz", []dyn.Location{generatedLocation, yamlLocation}),
			"bar": dyn.NewValue("baz", []dyn.Location{generatedLocation}),

	expected := dyn.NewValue(
			"foo": dyn.NewValue(
					// pythonLocation is appended to the beginning of the list if absent
					"baz": dyn.NewValue("baz", []dyn.Location{pythonLocation, yamlLocation}),
					// generatedLocation is replaced by pythonLocation
					"qux": dyn.NewValue("baz", []dyn.Location{pythonLocation, yamlLocation}),
			// if location is unknown, we keep it as-is
			"bar": dyn.NewValue("baz", []dyn.Location{generatedLocation}),

	actual, err := mergePythonLocations(input, locations)

	assert.NoError(t, err)
	assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)

func TestFindLocation(t *testing.T) {
	location0 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 1, Column: 1}
	location1 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 2, Column: 1}

	locations := newPythonLocations()
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("foo"), location0)
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString(""), location1)

	actual, exists := findPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString(""))

	assert.True(t, exists)
	assert.Equal(t, location1, actual)

func TestFindLocation_indexPathComponent(t *testing.T) {
	location0 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 1, Column: 1}
	location1 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 2, Column: 1}
	location2 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 3, Column: 1}

	locations := newPythonLocations()
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("foo"), location0)
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString(""), location1)
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("[0]"), location2)

	actual, exists := findPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("[0]"))

	assert.True(t, exists)
	assert.Equal(t, location2, actual)

func TestFindLocation_closestAncestorLocation(t *testing.T) {
	location0 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 1, Column: 1}
	location1 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 2, Column: 1}

	locations := newPythonLocations()
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("foo"), location0)
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString(""), location1)

	actual, exists := findPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString(""))

	assert.True(t, exists)
	assert.Equal(t, location1, actual)

func TestFindLocation_unknownLocation(t *testing.T) {
	location0 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 1, Column: 1}
	location1 := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 2, Column: 1}

	locations := newPythonLocations()
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("foo"), location0)
	putPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString(""), location1)

	_, exists := findPythonLocation(locations, dyn.MustPathFromString("bar"))

	assert.False(t, exists)

func TestLoadOutput(t *testing.T) {
	location := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 1, Column: 1}
	bundleRoot := t.TempDir()
	output := `{
		"resources": {
			"jobs": {
				"my_job": {
					"name": "my_job",
					"tasks": [
							"task_key": "my_task",
							"notebook_task": {
								"notebook_path": "my_notebook"

	locations := newPythonLocations()

	value, diags := loadOutput(

	assert.Equal(t, diag.Diagnostics{}, diags)

	name, err := dyn.Get(value, "")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, []dyn.Location{location}, name.Locations())

	// until we implement path normalization, we have to keep locations of values
	// that change semantic depending on their location
	// note: it's important to have absolute path including 'bundleRoot'
	// because mutator pipeline already has expanded locations into absolute path
	notebookPath, err := dyn.Get(value, "[0].notebook_task.notebook_path")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Len(t, notebookPath.Locations(), 1)
	require.Equal(t, filepath.Join(bundleRoot, generatedFileName), notebookPath.Locations()[0].File)

func TestParsePythonLocations(t *testing.T) {
	expected := dyn.Location{File: "", Line: 1, Column: 2}

	input := `{"path": "foo", "file": "", "line": 1, "column": 2}`
	reader := bytes.NewReader([]byte(input))
	locations, err := parsePythonLocations(reader)

	assert.NoError(t, err)

	assert.True(t, locations.keys["foo"].exists)
	assert.Equal(t, expected, locations.keys["foo"].location)