
507 lines
15 KiB

package mutator
import (
type applyPresets struct{}
// Apply all presets, e.g. the prefix presets that
// adds a prefix to all names of all resources.
func ApplyPresets() *applyPresets {
return &applyPresets{}
type Tag struct {
Key string
Value string
func (m *applyPresets) Name() string {
return "ApplyPresets"
func (m *applyPresets) Apply(ctx context.Context, b *bundle.Bundle) diag.Diagnostics {
var diags diag.Diagnostics
if d := validateCatalogAndSchema(b); d != nil {
return d // fast fail since code below would fail
if d := validatePauseStatus(b); d != nil {
diags = diags.Extend(d)
r := b.Config.Resources
t := b.Config.Presets
prefix := t.NamePrefix
tags := toTagArray(t.Tags)
// Jobs presets.
// Supported: Prefix, Tags, JobsMaxConcurrentRuns, TriggerPauseStatus, Catalog, Schema
for key, j := range r.Jobs {
if j.JobSettings == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("job %s is not defined", key))
j.Name = prefix + j.Name
if j.Tags == nil {
j.Tags = make(map[string]string)
for _, tag := range tags {
if j.Tags[tag.Key] == "" {
j.Tags[tag.Key] = tag.Value
if j.MaxConcurrentRuns == 0 {
j.MaxConcurrentRuns = t.JobsMaxConcurrentRuns
if t.TriggerPauseStatus != "" {
paused := jobs.PauseStatusPaused
if t.TriggerPauseStatus == config.Unpaused {
paused = jobs.PauseStatusUnpaused
if j.Schedule != nil && j.Schedule.PauseStatus == "" {
j.Schedule.PauseStatus = paused
if j.Continuous != nil && j.Continuous.PauseStatus == "" {
j.Continuous.PauseStatus = paused
if j.Trigger != nil && j.Trigger.PauseStatus == "" {
j.Trigger.PauseStatus = paused
if t.Catalog != "" || t.Schema != "" {
for _, task := range j.Tasks {
if task.DbtTask != nil {
if task.DbtTask.Catalog == "" {
task.DbtTask.Catalog = t.Catalog
if task.DbtTask.Schema == "" {
task.DbtTask.Schema = t.Schema
diags = diags.Extend(addCatalogSchemaParameters(b, key, j, t))
diags = diags.Extend(recommendCatalogSchemaUsage(b, ctx, key, j))
// Pipelines presets.
// Supported: Prefix, PipelinesDevelopment, Catalog, Schema
// Not supported: Tags (as of 2024-10 not in pipelines API)
for key, p := range r.Pipelines {
if p.PipelineSpec == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("pipeline %s is not defined", key))
p.Name = prefix + p.Name
if config.IsExplicitlyEnabled(t.PipelinesDevelopment) {
p.Development = true
if t.TriggerPauseStatus == config.Paused {
p.Continuous = false
if t.Catalog != "" && p.Catalog == "" && p.Catalog != "hive_metastore" {
p.Catalog = t.Catalog
if t.Schema != "" && p.Target == "" {
p.Target = t.Schema
// Models presets
// Supported: Prefix, Tags
for key, m := range r.Models {
if m.Model == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("model %s is not defined", key))
m.Name = prefix + m.Name
for _, t := range tags {
exists := slices.ContainsFunc(m.Tags, func(modelTag ml.ModelTag) bool {
return modelTag.Key == t.Key
if !exists {
// Only add this tag if the resource didn't include any tag that overrides its value.
m.Tags = append(m.Tags, ml.ModelTag{Key: t.Key, Value: t.Value})
// Experiments presets
// Supported: Prefix, Tags
for key, e := range r.Experiments {
if e.Experiment == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("experiment %s is not defined", key))
filepath := e.Name
dir := path.Dir(filepath)
base := path.Base(filepath)
if dir == "." {
e.Name = prefix + base
} else {
e.Name = dir + "/" + prefix + base
for _, t := range tags {
exists := false
for _, experimentTag := range e.Tags {
if experimentTag.Key == t.Key {
exists = true
if !exists {
e.Tags = append(e.Tags, ml.ExperimentTag{Key: t.Key, Value: t.Value})
// Model serving endpoint presets
// Supported: Prefix, Catalog, Schema
// Not supported: Tags (not in API as of 2024-10)
for key, e := range r.ModelServingEndpoints {
if e.CreateServingEndpoint == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("model serving endpoint %s is not defined", key))
e.Name = normalizePrefix(prefix) + e.Name
if t.Catalog != "" || t.Schema != "" {
// TODO:
// - e.AiGateway.InferenceTableConfig.CatalogName
// - e.AiGateway.InferenceTableConfig.SchemaName
// - e.Config.AutoCaptureConfig.SchemaName
// - e.Config.AutoCaptureConfig.CatalogName
// - e.Config.ServedEntities[0].EntityName (__catalog_name__.__schema_name__.__model_name__.)
// - e.Config.ServedModels[0].ModelName (__catalog_name__.__schema_name__.__model_name__.)
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("model serving endpoints are not supported with catalog/schema presets"))
// Registered models presets
// Supported: Prefix, Catalog, Schema
// Not supported: Tags (not in API as of 2024-10)
for key, m := range r.RegisteredModels {
if m.CreateRegisteredModelRequest == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("registered model %s is not defined", key))
m.Name = normalizePrefix(prefix) + m.Name
if t.Catalog != "" && m.CatalogName == "" {
m.CatalogName = t.Catalog
if t.Schema != "" && m.SchemaName == "" {
m.SchemaName = t.Schema
// Quality monitors presets
// Supported: Schedule, Catalog, Schema
// Not supported: Tags (not in API as of 2024-10)
if t.TriggerPauseStatus == config.Paused {
for key, q := range r.QualityMonitors {
if q.CreateMonitor == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("quality monitor %s is not defined", key))
// Remove all schedules from monitors, since they don't support pausing/unpausing.
// Quality monitors might support the "pause" property in the future, so at the
// CLI level we do respect that property if it is set to "unpaused."
if q.Schedule != nil && q.Schedule.PauseStatus != catalog.MonitorCronSchedulePauseStatusUnpaused {
q.Schedule = nil
if t.Catalog != "" && t.Schema != "" {
parts := strings.Split(q.TableName, ".")
if len(parts) != 3 {
q.TableName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", t.Catalog, t.Schema, q.TableName)
// Schemas: Prefix, Catalog, Schema
// Not supported: Tags (as of 2024-10, only supported in Databricks UI / SQL API)
for key, s := range r.Schemas {
if s.CreateSchema == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("schema %s is not defined", key))
s.Name = normalizePrefix(prefix) + s.Name
if t.Catalog != "" && s.CatalogName == "" {
s.CatalogName = t.Catalog
if t.Schema != "" && s.Name == "" {
// If there is a schema preset such as 'dev', we directly
// use that name and don't add any prefix (which might result in dev_dev).
s.Name = t.Schema
// Clusters: Prefix, Tags
// Not supported: Catalog / Schema (not applicable)
for key, c := range r.Clusters {
if c.ClusterSpec == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("cluster %s is not defined", key))
c.ClusterName = prefix + c.ClusterName
if c.CustomTags == nil {
c.CustomTags = make(map[string]string)
for _, tag := range tags {
normalizedKey := b.Tagging.NormalizeKey(tag.Key)
normalizedValue := b.Tagging.NormalizeValue(tag.Value)
if _, ok := c.CustomTags[normalizedKey]; !ok {
c.CustomTags[normalizedKey] = normalizedValue
// Dashboards: Prefix
for key, dashboard := range r.Dashboards {
if dashboard == nil || dashboard.Dashboard == nil {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Errorf("dashboard %s s is not defined", key))
dashboard.DisplayName = prefix + dashboard.DisplayName
if config.IsExplicitlyEnabled((b.Config.Presets.SourceLinkedDeployment)) {
isDatabricksWorkspace := dbr.RunsOnRuntime(ctx) && strings.HasPrefix(b.SyncRootPath, "/Workspace/")
if !isDatabricksWorkspace {
target := b.Config.Bundle.Target
path := dyn.NewPath(dyn.Key("targets"), dyn.Key(target), dyn.Key("presets"), dyn.Key("source_linked_deployment"))
diags = diags.Append(
Severity: diag.Warning,
Summary: "source-linked deployment is available only in the Databricks Workspace",
Paths: []dyn.Path{
Locations: b.Config.GetLocations(path[2:].String()),
disabled := false
b.Config.Presets.SourceLinkedDeployment = &disabled
return diags
func validatePauseStatus(b *bundle.Bundle) diag.Diagnostics {
p := b.Config.Presets.TriggerPauseStatus
if p == "" || p == config.Paused || p == config.Unpaused {
return nil
return diag.Diagnostics{{
Summary: "Invalid value for trigger_pause_status, should be PAUSED or UNPAUSED",
Severity: diag.Error,
Locations: []dyn.Location{b.Config.GetLocation("presets.trigger_pause_status")},
func validateCatalogAndSchema(b *bundle.Bundle) diag.Diagnostics {
p := b.Config.Presets
if (p.Catalog != "" && p.Schema == "") || (p.Catalog == "" && p.Schema != "") {
return diag.Diagnostics{{
Summary: "presets.catalog and presets.schema must always be set together",
Severity: diag.Error,
Locations: []dyn.Location{b.Config.GetLocation("presets")},
return nil
// toTagArray converts a map of tags to an array of tags.
// We sort tags so ensure stable ordering.
func toTagArray(tags map[string]string) []Tag {
var tagArray []Tag
if tags == nil {
return tagArray
for key, value := range tags {
tagArray = append(tagArray, Tag{Key: key, Value: value})
sort.Slice(tagArray, func(i, j int) bool {
return tagArray[i].Key < tagArray[j].Key
return tagArray
// normalizePrefix prefixes strings like '[dev lennart] ' to 'dev_lennart_'.
// We leave unicode letters and numbers but remove all "special characters."
func normalizePrefix(prefix string) string {
prefix = strings.ReplaceAll(prefix, "[", "")
prefix = strings.Trim(prefix, " ")
// If the prefix ends with a ']', we add an underscore to the end.
// This makes sure that we get names like "dev_user_endpoint" instead of "dev_userendpoint"
suffix := ""
if strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "]") {
suffix = "_"
return textutil.NormalizeString(prefix) + suffix
// addCatalogSchemaParameters adds catalog and schema parameters to a job if they don't already exist.
// Returns any warning diagnostics for existing parameters.
func addCatalogSchemaParameters(b *bundle.Bundle, key string, job *resources.Job, t config.Presets) diag.Diagnostics {
var diags diag.Diagnostics
// Check for existing catalog/schema parameters
hasCatalog := false
hasSchema := false
if job.Parameters != nil {
for _, param := range job.Parameters {
if param.Name == "catalog" {
hasCatalog = true
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Diagnostics{{
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("job %s already has 'catalog' parameter defined; ignoring preset value", key),
Severity: diag.Warning,
Locations: []dyn.Location{b.Config.GetLocation("" + key)},
if param.Name == "schema" {
hasSchema = true
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Diagnostics{{
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("job %s already has 'schema' parameter defined; ignoring preset value", key),
Severity: diag.Warning,
Locations: []dyn.Location{b.Config.GetLocation("" + key)},
// Initialize parameters if nil
if job.Parameters == nil {
job.Parameters = []jobs.JobParameterDefinition{}
// Add catalog parameter if not already present
if !hasCatalog && t.Catalog != "" {
job.Parameters = append(job.Parameters, jobs.JobParameterDefinition{
Name: "catalog",
Default: t.Catalog,
// Add schema parameter if not already present
if !hasSchema && t.Schema != "" {
job.Parameters = append(job.Parameters, jobs.JobParameterDefinition{
Name: "schema",
Default: t.Schema,
return diags
func recommendCatalogSchemaUsage(b *bundle.Bundle, ctx context.Context, key string, job *resources.Job) diag.Diagnostics {
var diags diag.Diagnostics
for _, t := range job.Tasks {
var relPath string
var expected string
var fix string
if t.NotebookTask != nil {
relPath = t.NotebookTask.NotebookPath
expected = `" dbutils.widgets.text(['"]schema|` +
fix = " dbutils.widgets.text('catalog')\n" +
" dbutils.widgets.text('schema')\n" +
" catalog = dbutils.widgets.get('catalog')\n" +
" schema = dbutils.widgets.get('schema')\n" +
" spark.sql(f'USE {catalog}.{schema}')\n"
} else if t.SparkPythonTask != nil {
relPath = t.SparkPythonTask.PythonFile
expected = `add_argument\(['"]--catalog'|` +
fix = " def main():\n" +
" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()\n" +
" parser.add_argument('--catalog', required=True)\n" +
" parser.add_argument('--schema', '-s', required=True)\n" +
" args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()\n" +
" spark.sql(f\"USE {args.catalog}.{args.schema}\")\n"
} else if t.SqlTask != nil && t.SqlTask.File != nil {
relPath = t.SqlTask.File.Path
expected = `:schema|\{\{schema\}\}`
fix = " USE CATALOG {{catalog}};\n" +
" USE IDENTIFIER({schema});\n"
} else {
sourceDir, err := b.Config.GetLocation("" + key).Directory()
if err != nil {
localPath, _, err := GetLocalPath(ctx, b, sourceDir, relPath)
if err != nil {
// Any path errors are reported by another mutator
if localPath == "" {
// If there is no local copy we don't want to download it and skip this check
log.Warnf(ctx, "LocalPath: %s, relPath: %s, sourceDir: %s", localPath, relPath, sourceDir)
if !fileIncludesPattern(ctx, localPath, expected) {
diags = diags.Extend(diag.Diagnostics{{
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Use the 'catalog' and 'schema' parameters provided via 'presets.catalog' and 'presets.schema' using\n\n" +
Severity: diag.Recommendation,
Locations: []dyn.Location{{
File: localPath,
Line: 1,
Column: 1,
return diags
func fileIncludesPattern(ctx context.Context, filePath string, expected string) bool {
content, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf(ctx, "failed to check file %s: %v", filePath, err)
return true
matched, err := regexp.MatchString(expected, string(content))
if err != nil {
log.Warnf(ctx, "failed to check pattern in %s: %v", filePath, err)
return true
return matched