mirror of https://github.com/databricks/cli.git
306 lines
7.9 KiB
306 lines
7.9 KiB
package lsp
import (
protocol "github.com/tliron/glsp/protocol_3_16"
const lsName = "databricks-lsp"
var version string = "0.0.1"
var handler protocol.Handler
type LspThingy interface {
Match(uri protocol.DocumentUri) bool
type Linter interface {
Lint(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentUri) ([]protocol.Diagnostic, error)
type QuickFixer interface {
QuickFix(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.CodeActionParams) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error)
type LspMultiplexer struct {
things []LspThingy
func (m *LspMultiplexer) Lint(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentUri) ([]protocol.Diagnostic, error) {
diags := []protocol.Diagnostic{}
for _, thing := range m.things {
if !thing.Match(uri) {
linter, ok := thing.(Linter)
if !ok {
problems, err := linter.Lint(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("linter: %w", err)
diags = append(diags, problems...)
return diags, nil
func (m *LspMultiplexer) QuickFix(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.CodeActionParams) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
actions := []protocol.CodeAction{}
for _, thing := range m.things {
if !thing.Match(params.TextDocument.URI) {
fixer, ok := thing.(QuickFixer)
if !ok {
fixes, err := fixer.QuickFix(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("quick fixer: %w", err)
actions = append(actions, fixes...)
return actions, nil
type LocalLspProxy struct {
host string
source string
extensions []string
client *httpclient.ApiClient
func (p *LocalLspProxy) Match(uri protocol.DocumentUri) bool {
for _, ext := range p.extensions {
if strings.HasSuffix(string(uri), ext) {
return true
return false
func (p *LocalLspProxy) Lint(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentUri) ([]protocol.Diagnostic, error) {
var res struct {
Diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic `json:"diagnostics"`
err := p.client.Do(ctx, "GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s/lint", p.host),
"file_uri": uri,
}), httpclient.WithResponseUnmarshal(&res))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Diagnostics, nil
type FixMe struct {
Range protocol.Range `json:"range"`
Code string `json:"code"`
resolves protocol.Diagnostic `json:"-"`
// match diagnostics produced by a given source
func (p *LocalLspProxy) matchDiagnostic(diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic) *FixMe {
for _, v := range diagnostics {
if v.Source == nil {
if *v.Source != p.source {
if v.Code == nil {
return &FixMe{
Range: v.Range,
Code: fmt.Sprint(v.Code.Value),
resolves: v,
return nil
func (p *LocalLspProxy) QuickFix(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.CodeActionParams) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
fixMe := p.matchDiagnostic(params.Context.Diagnostics)
if fixMe == nil {
return nil, nil
var res struct {
CodeActions []protocol.CodeAction `json:"code_actions"`
err := p.client.Do(ctx, "POST", fmt.Sprintf("%s/quickfix", p.host),
"file_uri": params.TextDocument.URI,
"code": fixMe.Code,
"range": params.Range,
}), httpclient.WithResponseUnmarshal(&res))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// protocol.CodeActionKindSource has to be handled by a separate method, not QuickFix(...) - e.g reformatting
quickFixKind := protocol.CodeActionKindQuickFix
for i := range res.CodeActions {
res.CodeActions[i].Diagnostics = []protocol.Diagnostic{fixMe.resolves}
res.CodeActions[i].Kind = &quickFixKind
return res.CodeActions, nil
func startServer(ctx context.Context) error {
commonlog.Configure(1, nil)
// in production, we'll launch Databricks Labs command proxy, that
// will return a JSON on stdout with the following structure:
// {
// "host": "http://localhost:<random-port>",
// "source": "databricks.labs.<project-name>",
// "extensions": [".py", <other-extensions>]
// }
ucx := &LocalLspProxy{
host: "http://localhost:8000",
source: "databricks.labs.ucx",
extensions: []string{".py", ".sql"},
client: httpclient.NewApiClient(httpclient.ClientConfig{}),
// and here we'll add DABs, DLT, linters, more SQL introspection, etc
multiplexer := &LspMultiplexer{
things: []LspThingy{ucx},
handler = protocol.Handler{
Initialize: initialize,
Initialized: initialized,
Shutdown: shutdown,
SetTrace: setTrace,
TextDocumentCodeAction: func(context *glsp.Context, params *protocol.CodeActionParams) (any, error) {
return multiplexer.QuickFix(ctx, params)
foundUcx := false
var codeRange protocol.Range
for _, v := range params.Context.Diagnostics {
if v.Source == nil {
if *v.Source == "databricks.labs.ucx" {
codeRange = v.Range
foundUcx = true
if !foundUcx {
return nil, nil
quickFix := protocol.CodeActionKindQuickFix
codeActions := []protocol.CodeAction{
Title: "Replace table with migrated table",
Kind: &quickFix,
Edit: &protocol.WorkspaceEdit{
DocumentChanges: []any{
TextDocument: protocol.OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{
TextDocumentIdentifier: params.TextDocument,
Edits: []any{
Range: codeRange,
NewText: "[beep-v3]",
return codeActions, nil
CodeActionResolve: func(context *glsp.Context, params *protocol.CodeAction) (*protocol.CodeAction, error) {
return params, nil
TextDocumentDidOpen: func(lsp *glsp.Context, params *protocol.DidOpenTextDocumentParams) error {
problems, err := multiplexer.Lint(ctx, params.TextDocument.URI)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(problems) == 0 {
return nil
lsp.Notify(protocol.ServerTextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, &protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams{
URI: params.TextDocument.URI,
Diagnostics: problems,
return nil
TextDocumentDidChange: func(lsp *glsp.Context, params *protocol.DidChangeTextDocumentParams) error {
problems, err := multiplexer.Lint(ctx, params.TextDocument.URI)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(problems) == 0 {
return nil
lsp.Notify(protocol.ServerTextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, &protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams{
URI: params.TextDocument.URI,
Diagnostics: problems,
return nil
server := server.NewServer(&handler, lsName, false)
return server.RunWebSocket("")
func initialize(context *glsp.Context, params *protocol.InitializeParams) (any, error) {
capabilities := handler.CreateServerCapabilities()
return protocol.InitializeResult{
Capabilities: capabilities,
ServerInfo: &protocol.InitializeResultServerInfo{
Name: lsName,
Version: &version,
}, nil
func initialized(context *glsp.Context, params *protocol.InitializedParams) error {
return protocol.Trace(context, protocol.MessageTypeLog, "initialized")
func shutdown(context *glsp.Context) error {
return nil
func setTrace(context *glsp.Context, params *protocol.SetTraceParams) error {
return nil
func New() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "lsp",
Args: root.NoArgs,
Short: "Start the databricks language server",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"template": "Databricks CLI v{{.Version}}\n",
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ctx := cmd.Context()
return startServer(ctx)
return cmd