
566 lines
15 KiB

package validate
import (
func failCases() []struct {
name string
sparkConf map[string]string
customTags map[string]string
} {
return []struct {
name string
sparkConf map[string]string
customTags map[string]string
name: "no tags or conf",
name: "no tags",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode",
"spark.master": "local[*]",
name: "no conf",
customTags: map[string]string{"ResourceClass": "SingleNode"},
name: "invalid spark cluster profile",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "invalid",
"spark.master": "local[*]",
customTags: map[string]string{"ResourceClass": "SingleNode"},
name: "invalid spark.master",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode",
"spark.master": "invalid",
customTags: map[string]string{"ResourceClass": "SingleNode"},
name: "invalid tags",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode",
"spark.master": "local[*]",
customTags: map[string]string{"ResourceClass": "invalid"},
name: "missing ResourceClass tag",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode",
"spark.master": "local[*]",
customTags: map[string]string{"what": "ever"},
name: "missing spark.master",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode",
customTags: map[string]string{"ResourceClass": "SingleNode"},
name: "missing spark.databricks.cluster.profile",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.master": "local[*]",
customTags: map[string]string{"ResourceClass": "SingleNode"},
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterFailForInteractiveClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range failCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Clusters: map[string]*resources.Cluster{
"foo": {
ClusterSpec: &compute.ClusterSpec{
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
bundletest.SetLocation(b, "", []dyn.Location{{File: "a.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}})
// We can't set num_workers to 0 explicitly in the typed configuration.
// Do it on the dyn.Value directly.
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "", dyn.V(0))
diags := SingleNodeCluster().Apply(ctx, b)
assert.Equal(t, diag.Diagnostics{
Severity: diag.Warning,
Summary: singleNodeWarningSummary,
Detail: singleNodeWarningDetail,
Locations: []dyn.Location{{File: "a.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}},
Paths: []dyn.Path{dyn.NewPath(dyn.Key("resources"), dyn.Key("clusters"), dyn.Key("foo"))},
}, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterFailForJobClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range failCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Jobs: map[string]*resources.Job{
"foo": {
JobSettings: &jobs.JobSettings{
JobClusters: []jobs.JobCluster{
NewCluster: compute.ClusterSpec{
ClusterName: "my_cluster",
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
bundletest.SetLocation(b, "[0].new_cluster", []dyn.Location{{File: "b.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}})
// We can't set num_workers to 0 explicitly in the typed configuration.
// Do it on the dyn.Value directly.
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].new_cluster.num_workers", dyn.V(0))
diags := SingleNodeCluster().Apply(ctx, b)
assert.Equal(t, diag.Diagnostics{
Severity: diag.Warning,
Summary: singleNodeWarningSummary,
Detail: singleNodeWarningDetail,
Locations: []dyn.Location{{File: "b.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}},
Paths: []dyn.Path{dyn.MustPathFromString("[0].new_cluster")},
}, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterFailForJobTaskClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range failCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Jobs: map[string]*resources.Job{
"foo": {
JobSettings: &jobs.JobSettings{
Tasks: []jobs.Task{
NewCluster: &compute.ClusterSpec{
ClusterName: "my_cluster",
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
bundletest.SetLocation(b, "[0].new_cluster", []dyn.Location{{File: "c.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}})
// We can't set num_workers to 0 explicitly in the typed configuration.
// Do it on the dyn.Value directly.
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].new_cluster.num_workers", dyn.V(0))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Equal(t, diag.Diagnostics{
Severity: diag.Warning,
Summary: singleNodeWarningSummary,
Detail: singleNodeWarningDetail,
Locations: []dyn.Location{{File: "c.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}},
Paths: []dyn.Path{dyn.MustPathFromString("[0].new_cluster")},
}, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterFailForPipelineClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range failCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Pipelines: map[string]*resources.Pipeline{
"foo": {
CreatePipeline: &pipelines.CreatePipeline{
Clusters: []pipelines.PipelineCluster{
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
bundletest.SetLocation(b, "[0]", []dyn.Location{{File: "d.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}})
// We can't set num_workers to 0 explicitly in the typed configuration.
// Do it on the dyn.Value directly.
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].num_workers", dyn.V(0))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Equal(t, diag.Diagnostics{
Severity: diag.Warning,
Summary: singleNodeWarningSummary,
Detail: singleNodeWarningDetail,
Locations: []dyn.Location{{File: "d.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}},
Paths: []dyn.Path{dyn.MustPathFromString("[0]")},
}, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterFailForJobForEachTaskCluster(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range failCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Jobs: map[string]*resources.Job{
"foo": {
JobSettings: &jobs.JobSettings{
Tasks: []jobs.Task{
ForEachTask: &jobs.ForEachTask{
Task: jobs.Task{
NewCluster: &compute.ClusterSpec{
ClusterName: "my_cluster",
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
bundletest.SetLocation(b, "[0].for_each_task.task.new_cluster", []dyn.Location{{File: "e.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}})
// We can't set num_workers to 0 explicitly in the typed configuration.
// Do it on the dyn.Value directly.
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].for_each_task.task.new_cluster.num_workers", dyn.V(0))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Equal(t, diag.Diagnostics{
Severity: diag.Warning,
Summary: singleNodeWarningSummary,
Detail: singleNodeWarningDetail,
Locations: []dyn.Location{{File: "e.yml", Line: 1, Column: 1}},
Paths: []dyn.Path{dyn.MustPathFromString("[0].for_each_task.task.new_cluster")},
}, diags)
func passCases() []struct {
name string
numWorkers *int
sparkConf map[string]string
customTags map[string]string
policyId string
} {
zero := 0
one := 1
return []struct {
name string
numWorkers *int
sparkConf map[string]string
customTags map[string]string
policyId string
name: "single node cluster",
sparkConf: map[string]string{
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode",
"spark.master": "local[*]",
customTags: map[string]string{
"ResourceClass": "SingleNode",
numWorkers: &zero,
name: "num workers is not zero",
numWorkers: &one,
name: "num workers is not set",
name: "policy id is not empty",
policyId: "policy-abc",
numWorkers: &zero,
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterPassInteractiveClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range passCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Clusters: map[string]*resources.Cluster{
"foo": {
ClusterSpec: &compute.ClusterSpec{
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
PolicyId: tc.policyId,
if tc.numWorkers != nil {
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "", dyn.V(*tc.numWorkers))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Empty(t, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterPassJobClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range passCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Jobs: map[string]*resources.Job{
"foo": {
JobSettings: &jobs.JobSettings{
JobClusters: []jobs.JobCluster{
NewCluster: compute.ClusterSpec{
ClusterName: "my_cluster",
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
PolicyId: tc.policyId,
if tc.numWorkers != nil {
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].new_cluster.num_workers", dyn.V(*tc.numWorkers))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Empty(t, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterPassJobTaskClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range passCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Jobs: map[string]*resources.Job{
"foo": {
JobSettings: &jobs.JobSettings{
Tasks: []jobs.Task{
NewCluster: &compute.ClusterSpec{
ClusterName: "my_cluster",
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
PolicyId: tc.policyId,
if tc.numWorkers != nil {
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].new_cluster.num_workers", dyn.V(*tc.numWorkers))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Empty(t, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterPassPipelineClusters(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range passCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Pipelines: map[string]*resources.Pipeline{
"foo": {
CreatePipeline: &pipelines.CreatePipeline{
Clusters: []pipelines.PipelineCluster{
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
PolicyId: tc.policyId,
if tc.numWorkers != nil {
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].num_workers", dyn.V(*tc.numWorkers))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Empty(t, diags)
func TestValidateSingleNodeClusterPassJobForEachTaskCluster(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tc := range passCases() {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b := &bundle.Bundle{
Config: config.Root{
Resources: config.Resources{
Jobs: map[string]*resources.Job{
"foo": {
JobSettings: &jobs.JobSettings{
Tasks: []jobs.Task{
ForEachTask: &jobs.ForEachTask{
Task: jobs.Task{
NewCluster: &compute.ClusterSpec{
ClusterName: "my_cluster",
SparkConf: tc.sparkConf,
CustomTags: tc.customTags,
PolicyId: tc.policyId,
if tc.numWorkers != nil {
bundletest.Mutate(t, b, func(v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
return dyn.Set(v, "[0].for_each_task.task.new_cluster.num_workers", dyn.V(*tc.numWorkers))
diags := bundle.Apply(ctx, b, SingleNodeCluster())
assert.Empty(t, diags)