
88 lines
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package convert
import (
// structInfo holds the type information we need to efficiently
// convert data from a [config.Value] to a Go struct.
type structInfo struct {
// Fields maps the JSON-name of the field to the field's index for use with [FieldByIndex].
Fields map[string][]int
// structInfoCache caches type information.
var structInfoCache = make(map[reflect.Type]structInfo)
// structInfoCacheLock guards concurrent access to structInfoCache.
var structInfoCacheLock sync.Mutex
// getStructInfo returns the [structInfo] for the given type.
// It lazily populates a cache, so the first call for a given
// type is slower than subsequent calls for that same type.
func getStructInfo(typ reflect.Type) structInfo {
defer structInfoCacheLock.Unlock()
si, ok := structInfoCache[typ]
if !ok {
si = buildStructInfo(typ)
structInfoCache[typ] = si
return si
// buildStructInfo populates a new [structInfo] for the given type.
func buildStructInfo(typ reflect.Type) structInfo {
var out = structInfo{
Fields: make(map[string][]int),
// Queue holds the indexes of the structs to visit.
// It is initialized with a single empty slice to visit the top level struct.
var queue [][]int = [][]int{{}}
for i := 0; i < len(queue); i++ {
prefix := queue[i]
// Traverse embedded anonymous types (if prefix is non-empty).
styp := typ
if len(prefix) > 0 {
styp = styp.FieldByIndex(prefix).Type
// Dereference pointer type.
if styp.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
styp = styp.Elem()
nf := styp.NumField()
for j := 0; j < nf; j++ {
sf := styp.Field(j)
// Recurse into anonymous fields.
if sf.Anonymous {
queue = append(queue, append(prefix, sf.Index...))
name, _, _ := strings.Cut(sf.Tag.Get("json"), ",")
if name == "" || name == "-" {
// Top level fields always take precedence.
// Therefore, if it is already set, we ignore it.
if _, ok := out.Fields[name]; ok {
out.Fields[name] = append(prefix, sf.Index...)
return out