
91 lines
1.7 KiB

# Scalars
# Strings can be unquoted
name: John Doe
# Strings can be single quoted
single_quoted_string: 'This is a single quoted string'
# Strings can be double quoted (allows for escape sequences)
double_quoted_string: "This is a double quoted string with an escaped newline \n and tab \t."
# Multiline string with folded style (newlines become spaces)
folded_style: >
This is a very
long string that
spans several lines.
# Multiline string with literal block style (newlines are preserved)
literal_style: |
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
# Integers
age: 30
# Floating point
price: 19.99
# Boolean values
is_student: true
is_employed: false
# Null value
middle_name: ~ # null can also be represented with 'null'
# Timestamp
timestamp: 2023-01-01T12:00:00Z
# Sequences (lists)
# Inline list
fruits: [apple, banana, cherry]
# Block style list
- 'Moby Dick'
- '1984'
- 'Pride and Prejudice'
# Mappings (dictionaries)
# Inline dictionary
address: {street: '123 Main St', city: 'Anytown', zip: '12345'}
# Block style dictionary
first_name: Jane
last_name: Smith
age: 40
# Edge cases and advanced features
# Strings that look like other types must be quoted
looks_like_number: '12345'
looks_like_boolean: 'yes'
looks_like_null: 'null'
looks_like_timestamp: '2023-01-01T12:00:00Z'
# Using anchors and aliases to reuse properties
base_address: &base
street: '456 Elm St'
city: 'Sometown'
<<: *base # Merge the base address into this mapping
suite: 500
# Nested structures
- name: Alice
age: 28
- reading
- cycling
- name: Bob
age: 35
- cooking
- hiking