
249 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File

// Code generated from OpenAPI specs by Databricks SDK Generator. DO NOT EDIT.
package forecasting
import (
// Slice with functions to override default command behavior.
// Functions can be added from the `init()` function in manually curated files in this directory.
var cmdOverrides []func(*cobra.Command)
func New() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "forecasting",
Short: `The Forecasting API allows you to create and get serverless forecasting experiments.`,
Long: `The Forecasting API allows you to create and get serverless forecasting
GroupID: "ml",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"package": "ml",
// This service is being previewed; hide from help output.
Hidden: true,
// Add methods
// Apply optional overrides to this command.
for _, fn := range cmdOverrides {
return cmd
// start create-experiment command
// Slice with functions to override default command behavior.
// Functions can be added from the `init()` function in manually curated files in this directory.
var createExperimentOverrides []func(
func newCreateExperiment() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{}
var createExperimentReq ml.CreateForecastingExperimentRequest
var createExperimentJson flags.JsonFlag
var createExperimentSkipWait bool
var createExperimentTimeout time.Duration
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&createExperimentSkipWait, "no-wait", createExperimentSkipWait, `do not wait to reach SUCCEEDED state`)
cmd.Flags().DurationVar(&createExperimentTimeout, "timeout", 120*time.Minute, `maximum amount of time to reach SUCCEEDED state`)
// TODO: short flags
cmd.Flags().Var(&createExperimentJson, "json", `either inline JSON string or @path/to/file.json with request body`)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&createExperimentReq.CustomWeightsColumn, "custom-weights-column", createExperimentReq.CustomWeightsColumn, `Name of the column in the input training table used to customize the weight for each time series to calculate weighted metrics.`)
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&createExperimentReq.DataGranularityQuantity, "data-granularity-quantity", createExperimentReq.DataGranularityQuantity, `The quantity of the input data granularity.`)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&createExperimentReq.ExperimentPath, "experiment-path", createExperimentReq.ExperimentPath, `The path to the created experiment.`)
// TODO: array: holiday_regions
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&createExperimentReq.MaxRuntime, "max-runtime", createExperimentReq.MaxRuntime, `The maximum duration in minutes for which the experiment is allowed to run.`)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&createExperimentReq.PredictionDataPath, "prediction-data-path", createExperimentReq.PredictionDataPath, `The three-level (fully qualified) path to a unity catalog table.`)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&createExperimentReq.PrimaryMetric, "primary-metric", createExperimentReq.PrimaryMetric, `The evaluation metric used to optimize the forecasting model.`)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&createExperimentReq.RegisterTo, "register-to", createExperimentReq.RegisterTo, `The three-level (fully qualified) path to a unity catalog model.`)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&createExperimentReq.SplitColumn, "split-column", createExperimentReq.SplitColumn, `Name of the column in the input training table used for custom data splits.`)
// TODO: array: timeseries_identifier_columns
// TODO: array: training_frameworks
cmd.Short = `Create a forecasting experiment.`
cmd.Long = `Create a forecasting experiment.
Creates a serverless forecasting experiment. Returns the experiment ID.
TRAIN_DATA_PATH: The three-level (fully qualified) name of a unity catalog table. This
table serves as the training data for the forecasting model.
TARGET_COLUMN: Name of the column in the input training table that serves as the
prediction target. The values in this column will be used as the ground
truth for model training.
TIME_COLUMN: Name of the column in the input training table that represents the
timestamp of each row.
DATA_GRANULARITY_UNIT: The time unit of the input data granularity. Together with
data_granularity_quantity field, this defines the time interval between
consecutive rows in the time series data. Possible values: * 'W' (weeks) *
'D' / 'days' / 'day' * 'hours' / 'hour' / 'hr' / 'h' * 'm' / 'minute' /
'min' / 'minutes' / 'T' * 'S' / 'seconds' / 'sec' / 'second' * 'M' /
'month' / 'months' * 'Q' / 'quarter' / 'quarters' * 'Y' / 'year' / 'years'
FORECAST_HORIZON: The number of time steps into the future for which predictions should be
made. This value represents a multiple of data_granularity_unit and
data_granularity_quantity determining how far ahead the model will
cmd.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
cmd.Args = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if cmd.Flags().Changed("json") {
err := root.ExactArgs(0)(cmd, args)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("when --json flag is specified, no positional arguments are required. Provide 'train_data_path', 'target_column', 'time_column', 'data_granularity_unit', 'forecast_horizon' in your JSON input")
return nil
check := root.ExactArgs(5)
return check(cmd, args)
cmd.PreRunE = root.MustWorkspaceClient
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
ctx := cmd.Context()
w := command.WorkspaceClient(ctx)
if cmd.Flags().Changed("json") {
diags := createExperimentJson.Unmarshal(&createExperimentReq)
if diags.HasError() {
return diags.Error()
if len(diags) > 0 {
err := cmdio.RenderDiagnosticsToErrorOut(ctx, diags)
if err != nil {
return err
if !cmd.Flags().Changed("json") {
createExperimentReq.TrainDataPath = args[0]
if !cmd.Flags().Changed("json") {
createExperimentReq.TargetColumn = args[1]
if !cmd.Flags().Changed("json") {
createExperimentReq.TimeColumn = args[2]
if !cmd.Flags().Changed("json") {
createExperimentReq.DataGranularityUnit = args[3]
if !cmd.Flags().Changed("json") {
_, err = fmt.Sscan(args[4], &createExperimentReq.ForecastHorizon)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid FORECAST_HORIZON: %s", args[4])
wait, err := w.Forecasting.CreateExperiment(ctx, createExperimentReq)
if err != nil {
return err
if createExperimentSkipWait {
return cmdio.Render(ctx, wait.Response)
spinner := cmdio.Spinner(ctx)
info, err := wait.OnProgress(func(i *ml.ForecastingExperiment) {
status := i.State
statusMessage := fmt.Sprintf("current status: %s", status)
spinner <- statusMessage
if err != nil {
return err
return cmdio.Render(ctx, info)
// Disable completions since they are not applicable.
// Can be overridden by manual implementation in `override.go`.
cmd.ValidArgsFunction = cobra.NoFileCompletions
// Apply optional overrides to this command.
for _, fn := range createExperimentOverrides {
fn(cmd, &createExperimentReq)
return cmd
// start get-experiment command
// Slice with functions to override default command behavior.
// Functions can be added from the `init()` function in manually curated files in this directory.
var getExperimentOverrides []func(
func newGetExperiment() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{}
var getExperimentReq ml.GetForecastingExperimentRequest
// TODO: short flags
cmd.Use = "get-experiment EXPERIMENT_ID"
cmd.Short = `Get a forecasting experiment.`
cmd.Long = `Get a forecasting experiment.
Public RPC to get forecasting experiment
EXPERIMENT_ID: The unique ID of a forecasting experiment`
cmd.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
cmd.Args = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
check := root.ExactArgs(1)
return check(cmd, args)
cmd.PreRunE = root.MustWorkspaceClient
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
ctx := cmd.Context()
w := command.WorkspaceClient(ctx)
getExperimentReq.ExperimentId = args[0]
response, err := w.Forecasting.GetExperiment(ctx, getExperimentReq)
if err != nil {
return err
return cmdio.Render(ctx, response)
// Disable completions since they are not applicable.
// Can be overridden by manual implementation in `override.go`.
cmd.ValidArgsFunction = cobra.NoFileCompletions
// Apply optional overrides to this command.
for _, fn := range getExperimentOverrides {
fn(cmd, &getExperimentReq)
return cmd
// end service forecasting