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Writing to PostgreSQL

  1. Insure PostgreSQL is actually installed on the system,
  2. There is a database called demo created on the said system

The cell below creates a dataframe that will be stored within postgreSQL

In [8]:
# Writing to PostgreSQL database
import transport
from transport import providers
import pandas as pd
_data = pd.DataFrame({"name":['James Bond','Steve Rogers','Steve Nyemba'],'age':[55,150,44]})
pgw = transport.factory.instance(provider=providers.POSTGRESQL,database='demo',table='friends',context='write')
pgw.write(_data,if_exists='replace') #-- default is append
print (transport.__version__)

Reading from PostgreSQL

The cell below reads the data that has been written by the cell above and computes the average age within a PostreSQL (simple query).

  • Basic read of the designated table (friends) created above
  • Execute an aggregate SQL against the table


It is possible to use transport.factory.instance or transport.instance they are the same. It allows the maintainers to know that we used a factory design pattern.

In [6]:
import transport
from transport import providers
pgr = transport.instance(provider=providers.POSTGRESQL,database='demo',table='friends')
_df =
_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) _counts, AVG(age) from friends'
_sdf =
print (_df)
print ('--------- STATISTICS ------------')
print (_sdf)
           name  age
0    James Bond   55
1  Steve Rogers  150
2  Steve Nyemba   44
--------- STATISTICS ------------
   _counts   avg
0        3  83.0

The cell bellow show the content of an auth_file, in this case if the dataset/table in question is not to be shared then you can use auth_file with information associated with the parameters.


The auth_file is intended to be JSON formatted

In [1]:
{'host': '',
 'port': 5432,
 'username': 'me',
 'password': 'foobar',
 'database': 'demo',
 'table': 'friends'}
In [ ]: