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OMOP Common Data Model v5.1 Specifications
Authors: Christian Reich, Patrick Ryan, Rimma Belenkaya, Karthik Natarajan, Clair Blacketer
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The CONCEPT_CLASS table is a reference table, which includes a list of the classifications used to differentiate Concepts within a given Vocabulary. This reference table is populated with a single record for each Concept Class:

Field Required Type Description
concept_class_id Yes varchar(20) A unique key for each class.
concept_class_name Yes varchar(255) The name describing the Concept Class, e.g. "Clinical Finding", "Ingredient", etc.
concept_class_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique Concept Class the record belongs to.


  • There is one record for each Concept Class. Concept Classes are used to create additional structure to the Concepts within each Vocabulary. Some Concept Classes are unique to a Vocabulary (for example "Clinical Finding" in SNOMED), but others can be used across different Vocabularies. The separation of Concepts through Concept Classes can be semantically horizontal (each Class subsumes Concepts of the same hierarchical level, akin to sub-Vocabularies within a Vocabulary) or vertical (each Class subsumes Concepts of a certain kind, going across hierarchical levels). For example, Concept Classes in SNOMED are vertical: The classes "Procedure" and "Clinical Finding" define very granular to very generic Concepts. On the other hand, "Clinical Drug" and "Ingredient" Concept Classes define horizontal layers or strata in the RxNorm vocabulary, which all belong to the same concept of a Drug.
  • The concept_class_id field contains an alphanumerical identifier, that can also be used as the abbreviation of the Concept Class.
  • The concept_class_name field contains the unabbreviated names of the Concept Class.
  • Each Concept Class also has an entry in the Concept table, which is recorded in the concept_class_concept_id field. This is for purposes of creating a closed Information Model, where all entities in the OMOP CDM are covered by unique Concepts.
  • Past versions of the OMOP CDM did not have a separate reference table for all Concept Classes. Also, the content of the old concept_class and the new concept_class_id fields are not always identical. A conversion talbe can be found here:
Administrative concept Admin Concept
Admitting Source Admitting Source
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification ATC
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification ATC
APC Procedure
Attribute Attribute
Biobank Flag Biobank Flag
Biological function Biological Function
Body structure Body Structure
Brand Name Brand Name
Branded Drug Branded Drug
Branded Drug Component Branded Drug Comp
Branded Drug Form Branded Drug Form
Branded Pack Branded Pack
Chart Availability Chart Availability
Chemical Structure Chemical Structure
Clinical Drug Clinical Drug
Clinical Drug Component Clinical Drug Comp
Clinical Drug Form Clinical Drug Form
Clinical finding Clinical Finding
Clinical Pack Clinical Pack
Concept Relationship Concept Relationship
Condition Occurrence Type Condition Occur Type
Context-dependent category Context-dependent
CPT-4 Procedure
Currency Currency
Death Type Death Type
Device Type Device Type
Discharge Disposition Discharge Dispo
Discharge Status Discharge Status
Domain Domain
Dose Form Dose Form
DRG Diagnostic Category
Drug Exposure Type Drug Exposure Type
Drug Interaction Drug Interaction
Encounter Type Encounter Type
Enhanced Therapeutic Classification ETC
Enrollment Basis Enrollment Basis
Environment or geographical location Location
Ethnicity Ethnicity
Event Event
Gender Gender
HCPCS Procedure
Health Care Provider Specialty Provider Specialty
HES specialty Provider Specialty
High Level Group Term HLGT
High Level Term HLT
Hispanic Hispanic
ICD-9-Procedure Procedure
Indication or Contra-indication Ind / CI
Ingredient Ingredient
LOINC Code Measurement
LOINC Multidimensional Classification Meas Class
Lowest Level Term LLT
MDC Diagnostic Category
Measurement Type Meas Type
Mechanism of Action Mechanism of Action
Model component Model Comp
Morphologic abnormality Morph Abnormality
MS-DRG Diagnostic Category
Namespace concept Namespace Concept
Note Type Note Type
Observable entity Observable Entity
Observation Period Type Obs Period Type
Observation Type Observation Type
OMOP DOI cohort Drug Cohort
OMOP HOI cohort Condition Cohort
OPCS-4 Procedure
Organism Organism
Patient Status Patient Status
Pharmaceutical / biologic product Pharma/Biol Product
Pharmaceutical Preparations Pharma Preparation
Pharmacokinetics PK
Pharmacologic Class Pharmacologic Class
Physical force Physical Force
Physical object Physical Object
Physiologic Effect Physiologic Effect
Place of Service Place of Service
Preferred Term PT
Procedure Procedure
Procedure Occurrence Type Procedure Occur Type
Qualifier value Qualifier Value
Race Race
Record artifact Record Artifact
Revenue Code Revenue Code
Sex Gender
Social context Social Context
Special concept Special Concept
Specimen Specimen
Staging and scales Staging / Scales
Standardized MedDRA Query SMQ
Substance Substance
System Organ Class SOC
Therapeutic Class Therapeutic Class
UCUM Canonical Canonical Unit
UCUM Custom Unit
UCUM Standard Unit
Undefined Undefined
UNKNOWN Undefined
VA Class Drug Class
VA Drug Interaction Drug Interaction
VA Product Drug Product
Visit Visit
Visit Type Visit Type