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2EPISODEepisode_idYesbigintA unique identifier for each Episode event.YesNo
3EPISODEperson_idYesbigintA foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the episdoe. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.NoYesPERSONPERSON_ID
4EPISODEepisode_concept_idYesintegerA foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies belonging to the 'Episode' domain.NoYesEpisode
5EPISODEepisode_start_datetimeYesdatetimeThe date and time when the Episode begins.NoNo
6EPISODEepisode_end_datetimeNodatetimeThe date when the instance of the Episode is considered to have ended.NoNo
7EPISODEepisode_parent_idNobigintA foreign key that refers to a parent Episode entry representing an entire episode if the episode spans multiple cycles.NoNo
8EPISODEepisode_numberNointegerAn ordinal count for an Episode that spans multiple times.NoNo
9EPISODEepisode_object_concept_idYesintegerA foreign key that refers to a concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies describing the disease, treatment, or other abstraction that the episode describes. Episode entries from the 'Disease Episode' concept class should have an episode_object_concept_id that comes from the Condition domain. Episode entries from the 'Treatment Episode' concept class should have an episode_object_concept_id that scome from the 'Procedure' or 'Regimen' domain.NoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_IDProcedure, Regimen
10EPISODEepisode_type_concept_idYesintegerA foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the Episode was recorded, the level of standardization, and the type of occurrence. These belong to the 'Episode Type' vocabularyNoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_IDType Concept
11EPISODEepisode_source_valueNovarchar(50)The source code for the Episdoe as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Condition Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.NoNo
12EPISODEepisode_source_concept_idNointegerA foreign key to a Episdoe Concept that refers to the code used in the source.NoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_ID
13EPISODE_EVENTepisode_idYesbigintA foreign key identifier to the Episode that the Episode Event belongs to.NoYesEPISODEEPISODE_IDEpisode
14EPISODE_EVENTevent_idYesbigintA foreign key identifier to the underlying event (condition, procedure, measurement, etc.) record in a respective table for which an episode is recorded.NoNo
15EPISODE_EVENTepisode_event_field_concept_idYesintegerA foreign key identifier to the standardized concept corresponding to the table primary key column (condition_occurrence.condition_occurrence_id, procedure_occurrence.procedure_occurrence_id, measurment.measurment_id etc.) where the underlying event is stored.NoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_IDMetadata
16MEASUREMENTmodifier_of_event_idNobigintA foreign key identifier to the event (e.g. condition, procedure, episode) record for which the modifier is recorded.NoNo
17MEASUREMENTmodifier_of_field_concept_idNointegerThe concept representing the table field concept that contains the value of the event id for which the modifier is recorded (e.g. CONDITION_OCCURRENCE.condition_occurre nce_id).NoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_IDMetadata
18CONCEPT_NUMERICconcept_idYesintegerA foreign key that refers to a respective concept in the Standardized Vocabularies.NoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_ID
19CONCEPT_NUMERICvalue_as_numberYesfloatA value of the concept expressed as a numeric value.NoNo
20CONCEPT_NUMERICunit_concept_idNointegerA foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of the concept units in the Standardized Vocabularies that belong to the 'Unit' domain.NoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_ID
21CONCEPT_NUMERICoperator_concept_idyesfloatA foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, > and these concepts belong to the 'Meas Value Operator' domain.NoYesCONCEPTCONCEPT_ID