
941 B

name about title labels
Bug report for the CLI Use this to report an issue with the CLI. CLI

Describe the issue

A clear and concise description of what the issue is

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:

  1. Run databricks clusters ...
  2. See error

Expected Behavior

Clear and concise description of what should have happened

Actual Behavior

Clear and concise description of what actually happened

OS and CLI version

Please include the version of the CLI (eg: v0.1.2) and the operating system (eg: windows). You can run databricks --version to get the version of your Databricks CLI

Is this a regression?

Did this work in a previous version of the CLI? If so, which versions did you try?

Debug Logs

Output logs if you run the command with debug logs enabled. Example: databricks clusters list --log-level=debug. Redact if needed