## Changes
If args[0] == "." was provided to bundle init command, it would try to
resolve it as a built in template and error out.
## Tests
shreyas.goenka@THW32HFW6T mlops-stack % cli bundle init .
Error: open /var/folders/lg/njll3hjx7pjcgxs6n7b290bw0000gp/T/templates3934264356/templates/databricks_template_schema.json: no such file or directory
shreyas.goenka@THW32HFW6T mlops-stack % cli bundle init .
Welcome to MLOps Stacks. For detailed information on project generation, see the README at https://github.com/databricks/mlops-stacks/blob/main/README.md.
Project Name [my-mlops-project]: ^C